Recent studies indicate there are over 152,833 American citizens; veterans, families, and teens under 18 years of age living on the streets or in shelters across our country. The cost of housing, feeding, clothing these displaced individuals is costing government agencies and wage earning taxpayers between $30,000 and $50,000 a year, per individual. Averaging the cost at Forty Thousand dollars per year, that’s over 6 Billion dollars a year!
The Occupational Safety Training Institute (OSTI) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which was formed in 2006 with the intent of providing quality hands-on training for safety professionals. In the last few years we have recognized the need to assist our displaced* veterans. Therefore, we have developed a program to help our nation’s forgotten heroes. Programs are designed to be complete in 12 months. On average, participants will have a minimum of 1500 hours of education and experience upon completion.
*We have chosen the phrase “Displaced” over “Homeless” believing that the phrase is more positive; whereas the phrase “Homeless” denotes and has the appearance of a negative image.
If you would like to assist these heroes to a positive path for a more financial stable future while enhancing their ability to become productive members and make positive contributions to society / community; wherever they choose to reside and work, please donate today.
Your support helps us provide housing, job training, education, and hope to individuals and families striving for a better life. Contributions may be tax-deductible—consult your tax adviser for more information. Scan the QR code below for donation options. or click on the Donate link.